David Cacorovski

David Cacorovski

GTFO My Dungeon

GTFO My Dungeon was a assignment in my Year One Game Development Workshop class where you get put into a group and had to make a board game using Unity as a game engine.

Programming Languages Used: C#
My Role: Programmer
Game Engine Used: Unity

How to Play

In this 5-player game, one player is chosen to be "Death," turning the match into a 1v4 showdown. Death is responsible for placing rooms that the other players must navigate through, but the catch is that the players won't know what's inside each room. The challenge comes from trusting the honor system, where players look away while Death is placing the rooms. The goal is to navigate through the dungeon, overcome the traps and challenges, and ultimately defeat Death!

Death Controls:
Left-Click: Select a room
Double Left-Click: Place a room
Select all cards to refresh your card selection

Player Controls:
Left-Click: Click on a hexagon to move to that room
Enter: Attack Enemy

All games can be downloaded on PC

Version: v1.0

v1.0 Notes: End of term Assignment Submission